Category: Personal

Heading to the Big Easy (New Orleans) back next week

I’m headed down to New Orleans for a getaway with my wifey till Tuesday October 20th.  As such, I may be a little slower to respond to emails.  A lot of great things have been happening and I cannot wait to show you all the wonderful shoots to come.  Here is just a glimpse:


Minnesota State Fair

One of our favorite traditions, since moving to Minnesota a few years ago, is attending the state fair.  This state fair is like none other.  It is one of the biggest and busiest fairs in the nation.  It seems everyone goes and the main attraction is always the food.  Everything deep fried or on a […]


I ♥ Film – North Shore Minnesota

Here is another installment of photos from our family vacation to the North Shore in August.  I decided to bring my good old film camera.  In the film days I started with a Nikon F3, but eventually my dad introduced me to Contax.  Sadly, Contax is no longer, but their cameras are still extremely sought […]


LAFE – North Shore (Minnesota) Part I

As many of you know, we took a family vacation up to the North Shore of Lake Superior a few weeks ago.  I took hundreds of pictures and therefore will be sharing bits of the trip periodically over the next couple months.  We were so excited to have Emily’s grandpa Lafe join us from Nebraska […]

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