St Croix state park – 4th of july
These photos are a few weeks old. For the 4th of July weekend, Emily and I went camping with some of our friends to St Croix State Park. This campground is amidst one of the most beautiful areas of Minnesota. This trip has become a tradition for us and we had a blast. Just posting these photos so I don’t forget how great of time we had. Good friends, lots of junk food, and beautiful scenery…AMAZING!
Meet Zoe, she is our adorable Shih-Tzu. This was her first time camping. As you can see, she is smiling from ear-to-ear. This is my best impression of the model hair flip. I’m a lot hotter/sexier than I thought 🙂 Thanks Wifey for the great shot!
This delicious morsel of goodness was beyond divine. Simply put…take marshmallow, nutella, and peanut butter and stuff it in a banana and put it in the fire!!! You won’t regret it. Croquet was a trip highlight Thomas’ victory dance The Gang!Canoeing with Zoe and my hot wife Weird shot of the trip…Yes and I love it! Playing around the campfire with some lighting…I’m such a nerd.