I cannot believe we have just a couple weeks left till the baby comes. It’s been exciting seeing Emily’s belly literally morph as the baby moves. Emily have been the best prego mom-to-be, she has been working so hard lately, but still has the “motherly” glow about her (hopefully I captured that in the images below).
On a side note about this shoot: I have begun running out of locations to shoot in our home. So for this shoot, I decided to convert our living room into a “studio”. The living room looked ridiculous as I used reflectors to attached to our dining room chairs. Typically when I arrange a shoot, I have a specific image that I want to capture. In my head, I knew I wanted the exact image below. Give my “studio” space, it took a bit of trial and error, but I got it!
Here is my “studio space”, pretty glamorous huh? Someday….
In case you have missed any of the past Watch Her Grow photos and would like to view past posts, here they are: