Best Time of the Year
Each year, the transition between August and September is always something I look forward to. The temperatures cool down, the humidity drops, and the new school year starts. Besides this (and more importantly) the drought of crappy television ends!!!! You all know what I’m talking about because we all settle for watching mediocre reality shows, less than exciting sporting events, and plenty of reruns. Well for me, this drought will end tomorrow night as my new shows once again return! Like most people, I probably watch more television than needed, but I’m okay with that. I have a DVR to cut out commercials which is kind of like justifying eating low fat potato chips (they’re low fat and even though they’re bad for you…you feel you can eat more of them).
Last fall, many of my shows left me in cliffhanger situations and I cannot wait to see how things pick back up. Going into this TV season, I am saddened as my favorite TV show – The Office is likely going to die out with the departure of Steve Carell. My time is precious this fall and I’m always hesitant to “commit” to a new show. However, I’m excited to see the new NBC comedy – Outsourced. Only time will tell if it’s going to be any good.
That said, here are the shows I’m looking forward to seeing this season. There’s quite a few but that’s okay!
Sheldon alone makes the Big Bang Theory worth watching.
Keep wondering if this is the season we finally meet Ted’s to be wife in How I Met Your Mother
Although the early seasons of the Office were priceless and much better than recent seasons, I look forward to this last season with Steve Carell.
Parks and Recreation with Amy Poehler…need I say more!
Yeah, this one is kind of a guilty pleasure that Em and I got into last year and Vampire Diaries is WAY better than Twilight
I’m a sucker for alien shows like V and cannot wait to see what happens this season
Got sucked into America’s Next Top Model this summer watching reruns and I’m truly ashamed. As a photographer, I really enjoy the last 20 minutes of the show.
Came across Modern Family midway through this show last season…if you haven’t seen it…do it!
The writing for Community is amazing and this show is definitely underrated.
What shows are you excited for? I’m curious.