I have had several people on Facebook, email, and family back home ask when I was going to post some images of Emily. Well the truth is…even though she’s now 26 weeks, she didn’t really start showing till very recently. But now she is a growing almost daily it seems. It’s really been a pretty amazing experience thus far and I must say feeling your first baby kick just never gets old.
So for my own personal intentions, I wanted to post some photos of Emily up to this point. These kind of sporadic maternity shoots have been shot on a whim…the real maternity shoot will be closer to the February 17th due date. Nevertheless, we have had some fun going out and capturing this fun time in our lives. My hope is to take photos of her about every 2 weeks.
20 Weeks
23 WeeksQuick little side not about the next 3 images. I had been taking photos that day and told Em she was hardly showing, just look at the photo above and you’ll agree. It was the first image below when I joked and said, “Babe, you look huge from here.” The subsequent two images were her reactions. I just love this!!!Em took a couple shots of me…I just really love this shot!!!24 Weeks – she grew quite a bit between 23 and 24 weeks IMORockin’ the belly and still smokin’ hot!25 Weeks – It’s quite apparent now…My Wife is Prego