A Change in Schedule
Three months ago, my life changed dramatically (for the better). The birth of Eliza introduced many new challenges but I’m learning to adjust. Six weeks ago, I took on the role of a “Stay at Home Dad” coupled with being a full-time photographer. Meshing these two roles has been teaching me a lot about time management. I’m finding it’s vital to use my time wisely. I have begun to establish a “structured” schedule for both Eliza and my photography business. I’m discovering as much as I try to perfectly schedule my time, Eliza still runs the show. In my prior life, I was a nightowl. I really began to find my groove around 11pm at would work late. However, that schedule is not conducive with taking care of my baby girl.
I thought it might be entertaining to share a typical day for me. My schedule is changing day by day, but it’s currently something like this:
- 5:30 or 6am – wake up Eliza to be fed. While Em feeds her, I start the day by taking Zoe outside for a walk
- 6:30am – Burp Eliza while Em gets ready for work
- 6:45am – Put Eliza back down to sleep
- 6:45 or 7am – Start responding to emails and begin my work day
- 7-9:45am – Work, during this time I make sure to make a hardy breakfast in case my lunch is cut short or nonexistent. I also make sure to get Eliza’s first bottle ready too.
- 9:45am – Eliza typically starts making sounds so I run downstairs to warm up some water to warm up here bottle
- 10 or 10:15am – Start Netflix of the DVR and get ready to change a diaper.
- 10:15am – Grab Eliza for her first feeding.
- 10:15-11:30am – Eliza plays on her pad and I “try” to work from my laptop
- 11:30am – Eliza goes down for first nap
- 12:30pm – Eliza generally wakes up unless I get lucky she might stay down for another 30 minutes. I try to fit my lunch in somewhere here.
- 12:30pm or 1pm – Let Eliza play on her pad for a bit
- 1:30pm – Change another diaper
- 1:30pm or 2 pm – Feed Eliza her 2nd bottle
- 2:30pm – More play time, maybe go out for a walk with Eliza
- 3-4:30pm – I find myself giving Eliza most of my attention and we play.
- 4:30 or 5pm – Em comes home and we make the handoff so that I can go back to my office and work.
- 5:30pm – Em and I tagteam taking Eliza and making dinner
- 6:30pm and on – Call clients, work
- 9 or 9:30pm – Get Eliza into bed
- 9:30-11pm – Relax :- )
I’m not gonna lie, it’s a bit tiring, but soooooo worth it! Getting looks from Eliza like the ones below make it all worth it!