St Paul Family Photographer – Lillemoe Family
Although I only shoot a limited number of family sessions each year, but I always really enjoy them. You may recognize this family from their family session last fall. Many of my current clients have referred to this family as the ‘J Crew’ family for their awesome attire last fal. When it comes to dressing up the family for photos, Mom Lillemoe knows just what to do. If she wasn’t a busy interior designer, I would hire her to consult.
There is never a dull moment when photographing this family. These kids are some of the most energetic and cute kids I have ever met. It was truly a pleasure to photograph them on a very hot and humid day last month.
Absolutely Love this Shot! My vote for a big canvas print Every time Arden looked at me, I told him he had to strike a new pose, the next 3 images is what he came up with. (I’m shooting through the screen porch) I rewarded these two with a couple suckers…so glad I did. Another vote for a big canvas print! I decided to have the kids race across the lawn, Arden was losing and the tears began to flow.