Minneapolis Wedding Photographer – A St Paul engagement Proposal Story – Adam and Kyla
There really is something special and gratifying about being a photographer. It’s cheesy and a bit cliché, but I love freezing moments in time. Last week I was contacted by Adam to capture him asking his girl to marry him. I jumped at the idea and knew it would be a moment full of emotion. It wasn’t till after I got home last night and began looking at the images, that I realized how special and important it was to capture this moment for these two! I just kept wishing that I would have hired someone to capture my proposal to my wife. There are so many momentous events (Birth Stories and Engagement Proposals are just a couple that come to mind) in our lives that go unphotographed (just made up that word). How many married people looking at this post would loved to have this moment documented? So if you’re looking for this type of session for an upcoming proposal…let me know!
For this shoot, I couldn’t help but feel like a ninja. I was hiding out by the kitchen and shot the first image in the restaurant through some dishes. Sure was a lot of fun! Adam had the restaurant play a few of his and Kyla’s favorite songs during dinner with the family. She just thought they were playing some great music…
After looking, Be sure to checkout the Whole Proposal Slideshow StoryMoments before “popping the questions”. You can tell Adam has something on his mind.
Question was popped
The reaction is kicking in…
Her response…
Love the people at other tables are clapping!
I’m still playing ninja…she doesn’t know I’m photographing…
She still doesn’t see me…
Love this shot!
Boom Pow…my cover has been blown. Almost feels like a “You’re on candid camera moment”
So much emotion in the photo!
He wasn’t done…here’s more to go with the bling!
Be sure to checkout the Whole Proposal Slideshow Story