Maternity Photos Rochester MN – 36 Weeks
We are approaching the arrival of our second child, a BOY! At 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant, I finally decided to pull out the camera and photograph my wife! During my wife’s first pregnancy, I was very diligent about photographing her. We had numerous photo sessions with my “Watch Her Grow” series and planned a session nearly weekly. Life was “easy” back then, no kids, complete and total freedom of our time…obviously things have changed. We have a very rambunctious 2 1/2 year old daughter who makes the energizer bunny look like a slug. This session took all of about 20 minutes or the equivalent of my daughter’s lengthiest attention span. However, I will cherish these photos till the day I die…to me photos are meant to arouse our senses and help remind us of milestones in our lives. These photos will do just that. It’s very evident from the photos that our daughter Eliza has a very independent little girl.
Furthermore, I just have to say…my wife looks fantastic for 36 weeks pregnant with our second child. She looks beautiful and I’m sooooo lucky to call her mine!
A typical photographer’s child.
Love the bewilderment on Emily’s face as Eliza attempts to shed some clothing…
If you would like to see Emily’s past maternity photos…check out the “Watch Her Grow” series.